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Dennie Declercq

Dennie Declercq

Dennie is Microsoft MVP Developer Technologies en heeft ervaring in toegankelijkheid met Microsoft-technologieën. In het dagelijks leven is Dennie president en ontwikkelaar bij DDSoft, een non-profit die IT verbindt met mensen die minder technisch onderlegd zijn. Dennie bedenkt technische oplossingen en systemen om mensen met een handicap te helpen deel te nemen aan hun dagelijks leven. Dankzij zijn autisme is hij de juiste man op de juiste plek om als vrijwilliger bij te dragen in functie van mensen met een handicap.


My journey at DevConf

My journey at DevConf

This was my second stop at my magic Fall, my Fall conference season. I had the amazing opportunity to speak at DevConf in Krakow, Poland. A nice conference in an amazing cinema; What means: having the opportunity to project your slide deck on a huge cinema screen....

Simplify The Layout

Simplify The Layout

In this blogpost I’d love to talk about ‘simplify the layout’. In other words this means making the lay-out easier to understand. In this blogpost I am going to tell you how to make a layout for an app that’s really accessible. Easy to use. I am going to focus on...

Color By Function

Color By Function

Let’s introduce you to Color By Function. The vision of Color By Function is that you color the controls in you app by function and not or not only by control type or the place that makes the layout most beautiful. Specifying functions by category First you have to...

JavaZone kickstarted my Magic Fall

JavaZone kickstarted my Magic Fall

Last week I had the opportunity to speak at JavaZone in Oslo, Norway. It was my first conference this Fall. And I know.. Officially Fall start next Monday but for me, last week Fall is kicked-off for me. This Fall I do a lot of conferences as a speaker and at least...

The Need of Accessible Apps

The Need of Accessible Apps

At this time many people around the world are using apps, computers and smartphones. Most of this people can do a lot of interesting stuff with this modern communication. This modern communication made many people their life easier. So I going go tell you a story to...

Color schemes and contrast

Color schemes and contrast

Some people prefer a dark color scheme, some people prefer a light color scheme. And some people are just weird (people just like me).  More and more Microsoft and third party software provides the option to have a dark color mode and a light color mode. As I teased...

I am a Microsoft MVP!

I am a Microsoft MVP!

On Thursday 1st of August at 6 PM I was shivering. I got a beautiful mail that I became an MVP Developer Technologies. A Microsoft MVP or Most Valuable Professional is an award for your work in the community. Community work is by example: running a user group,...

I feel (Xamarin) Love

I feel (Xamarin) Love

Thursday I live-streamed a part of Xamarin Dev Summit in Houston. Honestly, I submitted a proposal for some talks at this event. I wasn’t chosen. Pity but proposal declines are a part of speaker’s life. You have to deal with it. I saw the Keynote and was very...

I am 10x autistic!

I am 10x autistic!

On the night of 13th of July (CET +1) the 10x hype, or the 10x Engineer hype raised on Twitter! As some of you may know, I am not a fan of hypes. Or am I not? I don’t want to be a fan of hypes. But sometimes I am a fan of some hypes, and do participate in some hypes....