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Terms and Conditions

Article 1: Purpose & legal validity of the Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to all agreements between DDSoft vzw and its customers, and to all offers made by DDSoft vzw.

Article 2: Duration

Contracts for the creation of custom applications apply from start date to delivery.

Training and service contracts are valid from the agreement until the end date of the training or service.

Article 3: Invoicing

All our invoices must be paid within 30 days on account number: BE63 0689 0310 6908.

All our payments are made in EURO.

DDSoft vzw is exempt from taxes, so we do not have to charge VAT.

If the invoice is not paid, we will send a monthly reminder. After the 3rd reminder, we can claim our money through the court of Bruges.

Article 3: Liability

DDSoft vzw cannot be held liable for damage or indirect damage as a result of theft, or the appearance of ‘viruses’ on smartphones, tablets and PCs on which applications of DDSoft vzw are located.

Article 4: Force majeure

If a case of force majeure occurs after the conclusion of the agreement and its execution is prevented by, for example: fire, mobilization, seizure, embargo, prohibition of foreign exchange transfer, insurrection, shortage of means of transport, general scarcity of raw materials, restrictions in energy consumption, these are beyond the will of both parties.

The party relying on the above circumstances must immediately notify the other party in writing of the entry into force and of its expiry.

The occurrence of one of these circumstances deprives both DDSoft vzw and the customer of all liability.