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I am 10x autistic!

by | 14/07/2019 | Accessibility

On the night of 13th of July (CET +1) the 10x hype, or the 10x Engineer hype raised on Twitter! As some of you may know, I am not a fan of hypes. Or am I not? I don’t want to be a fan of hypes. But sometimes I am a fan of some hypes, and do participate in some hypes. Just to tease: I am planning to make a conference talk: “Mind the Hype”. This talk will be about the good, the bad and the ugly of hypes. If people are interested in this talk, please let me know!

So, let the introduction behind, let’s talk about the I am 10x, or the 10x Engineer hype!

Today I posted this tweet:

This tweet was based on the 10x engineer hype. I didn’t put in ‘engineer’ and I forgot the hashtag. Of course I didn’t forgot my own two hashtags. So I even could add: “I am too impulsive”. I see the Tweet and as fast as possible I want to make my own tweet without taking enough time to check if I added the correct hashtags or if I don’t have typo’s! If you see Tweets from me with typo’s it’s because I was too impulsive, a drawback of my autism.

But it’s not all negative. This tweet has a negative sound. But to be clear: autism also has a lot of advantages. So I could write:

“I am 10x autistic

– I am a proud volunteer

– I have unique insights

– I love to share my stories

– I am very honest.”